Konfirmation Aurelius – coming of age

Tokyo, Kreuzkirche, 07. April 2024. Almost a Liveblog.

7:00 JST: Getting ready for Aurelius „Konfirmation“. Some 36 years ago a very big day in small town Niederstetten. Today, still an exciting day in the huge city of Tokyo.

The forecast over the last days showed rain, but we were confident – not a day for rain. So far, it looks not too bad to be true !

Rain is moving out !

Still some water in the schoolyard, but getting better.

The cherry tree and the birds are already looking good !

The bread is ready, time for beakfast.

7:15 JST background information:

Some information about the local, German speaking, Protestant church, can be found under this URL:

https://Kreuzkirche Tokio-Yokohama-tokyo.jp

There is even a live stream (YouTube) for the service available (10:30 – 11:45 JST).

7:30 JST: Cat first !

7:45 Breakfast is ready !

8:05 JST: everybody awake !

Countdown -1:25 h !

8:15 JST: breakfast done

8:25 JST: quick pick up by Trajanus and Markus of Aurelius‘ friend in Yokohama to attend the ceremony as well.

9:40 JST: Back from the pick up and the family arrived at the apartment from the hotel.

10:05 JST: Time to go to church !

10:20 JST: Ready to start the church ceremony.

10:30 – 12:30 JST:

Fotos during the church service to come later …

12:30 -13:20 JST:

Fotos with family and friends to come later.

13:20 JST: move to the lunch restaurant: Happo En.

14:00 – 16:00 JST: Lunch !

We had a wonderful, relaxing and fun lunch with family and friends at a wonderful location. Thanks to Tomoko !

The youngest guest was only three months old !

With the traditional „ipon chime“ and nice group pictures, lunch found to a perfect closure.

16:00 – 17:00 JST: After lunch, we had a walk in the Happo En garden. Beautiful cherry trees, lakes and koi have a beautiful scenery.

The pagode stands some 400 years surviving numerous earthquakes in the Tokyo (Kanto) area, including the severe Kanto earthquake 1923.

The garden features wonderful bonsai trees, some of them over 500 years old !

The pond is home to numerous amazing koi.

Strolling around the pond concluded an day to remember.

Friends from school.

Aurelius is deeply grateful for the guests able to join today and for everybody sending greetings and gifts for this important and wonderful day !

… stay tuned … more to come in the next days…


2 Antworten zu „Konfirmation Aurelius – coming of age“

  1. Avatar von Uwe + Katja
    Uwe + Katja

    Was ein toller Tag

  2. Avatar von Heike, Timo, Jannina und Alissia
    Heike, Timo, Jannina und Alissia

    What a beautifull Day. Wir wünschen Aurelius alles Gute und Glück für die Zukunft. Bleibt alle gesund, dass wir uns bald wiedersehen.

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